Thursday, July 31, 2008

the footprint of Prophet Adam (A.S)

situated in the southwestern Sri Lanka is the 7362ft peak of sri pada, the 'holy footprint'. also known as Adam's peak and samanalakande (the butterfly mountain) because of the myriads of small butterflies that fly from all over the island to die upon the sacred mountain. the footprint however is claimed by 4 of the world's major religions to be their unique identity. as for hindus, they believed that it was the world creative dance of the god siva that left the giant printing, while buddhist believed it was left by the buddha during the final of his legendary visit to sri lanka. christians on the other hand claimedit to be the footprint of st. thomas, the first brought christianity to sri lanka. it is the footprintof Prophet Adam (A.S) where he stood for a 1000 years of penance on one foot. when he was expelled from heaven, God put him on the peak to make the shock less terrible- Ceylon being tht place on eaarth closest to and most like heaven. it is a 5ft 7inc x 2ft 6inc impression where votive offerings are made, especially of a coil of silver as long as the donor is tall, for recovery from sickness and rain-water taken from the footprint is known to have a wonderful healing power.

worry no more

we had always been provoked with rumours which are not even confirmed. and here are some issues that have been researched to discover the truth.
  • carcinogenic cellphones : there is no scientific evidence yet been found to prove the theory that they could possibly cause cancer. in addition, is it logic that the use of cellphones being permitted back then if they are potentially known to harm the users?
  • killer hot dogs : people on a low-carb who consumed saturated fat more than other groups ended up with a better cholesterol profile.
  • forbidden fruits from afar : imported food are often produced and shipped more efficiently than domestic ones to maintain the quality of their business.
  • deadly sharks : throughout the world last year, there has been only ONE fatal shark attack which happened in the South Pacific.
  • the Arctic's missing ice : so far, there is more ice than at this time last year!
so, what do you have to say?

living in the suburbs may make people fatter

is it true? it might, for those who reside in neighbourhoods designed more for cars than foot traffic. the research recently conducted suggested that the more walkable a neighbourhood was, the less likely its residents were to become overweight or obese. since newer neighbourhoods offer fewer opportunities for walking such as sidewalks and other characteristics that made them more accessable to pedestrians, it is recommended for the suburbs' constructors to design pedestrian friendly places for people to live, work and play.

let us improve!!!

this was actually adapted from yahoojobs! of 10 habits that bosses love. it may not sounds best to us students but what matters here is the relevance of the points to be practiced in our days, not only with the people in our academic field but with the society as well.

*at the beginning of any relationship, you surely must have a good communication with the other party as this would determine the next step to be taken.
*you should then acknowledge what he says since everyone expects responsive listening from his audience.
*you are advised to collaborate by responding to his idea in a constructive way instead of straightaway throwing up roadblocks.
*it is also best for you to understand how you fit in his personality by learning the pet peeves and anticipate with his needs.
*last but not least, be engaged in the relationship by showing your enthusiasm and speak up when you see room for improvement.

really wish that this would benefit everyone, thanks for willing to spend your time reading. you are very welcomed to post any comment on this or even to share any other tips : )

Sunday, July 20, 2008

whatever it takes

i was blurry when assigned to post a comment on any article read during the class. so i went to yahoo and search for 'whatever', huhu. thank god He stroke me with the idea of viewing my thoughts on the song 'whatever it takes' by lifehouse as it appeared to be one of the search result. gratefully i proceed as i have been loving the sound of the song, only that i was not really into it before due to the environmental distractions which led me to not catching the lyrics and understanding it wholly. it actually tells us the story of a couple in which his partner is giving him a second chance after he commited a big mistake that really hurt her as he described at the very first line 'a strangled smile fell from your face'. he took the opportunity seriously for sure and he even vowed to keep them together till the end for whatever it takes, apart from never repeating such hurting wrongdoings. with such melodious voice and full-hearted deliver, he won not only the heart of that girl, but ours as well. love it much more now : )